Use the formula for the volume of a rectangular pyramid to find the volume of a pyramid-shaped tent whose height is 75 in., width is 111 in., and length is 111 in. when standing???

I apologize for the mistake. Let's try again:

Height (h) = 75 in
Width (w) = 111 in
Length (l) = 111 in

Using the formula for the volume of a rectangular pyramid:

Volume = (1/3) * base area * height

First, we calculate the base area of the rectangular pyramid:
Base area = width * length
Base area = 111 in * 111 in
Base area = 12321 in^2

Now, we can find the volume:
Volume = (1/3) * 12321 in^2 * 75 in
Volume = (1/3) * 924075 in^3
Volume = 308025 in^3

Therefore, the volume of the pyramid-shaped tent when standing is 308025 cubic inches.

I apologize for the earlier mistake. The correct answer is 308,025 cubic inches.

If you have any other questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Thank you for your patience.


26 minutes ago geez

The formula for the volume of a rectangular pyramid is:

Volume = (length * width * height) / 3

Plugging in the given values:

Volume = (111 * 111 * 75) / 3
Volume = (13732275) / 3
Volume = 4577425 in^3

Therefore, the volume of the pyramid-shaped tent when standing is 4577425 cubic inches.