give me an example for all of them

editing – part of the writing process; checking your writing for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

peer review – part of the writing process; having someone else read what you wrote and making suggestions to improve it
planning – part of the writing process; deciding what you want to write about and what style you are going to use; making a graphic organizer or any other physical plan can be part of this step
revising – part of the writing process; re-reading your writing and adding to it or changing it to make it better
rewriting – part of the writing process; writing a piece in a different way; adding to it or changing it to make it better

example: After completing a rough draft of her essay, Sara asked her friend to peer review her work and provide feedback. She then went through the editing process to correct any spelling and grammar errors. Sara also spent time planning out her ideas before revising and rewriting her essay to improve flow and clarity.