Which digital production process involves adjusting the timing of frames, refining character movements, and adding special effects?

Video editing.

Animation editing.

Text proofreading.

Audio editing.

Animation editing.

The correct answer is Animation editing.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine each option:

1. Video editing involves manipulating and rearranging video footage to create a final product. While video editing may involve some timing adjustments and the addition of special effects, it does not typically involve refining character movements.

2. Animation editing refers to the process of refining and modifying animated sequences. This involves adjusting the timing of frames to create smooth character movements, refining the animations of characters, and adding special effects.

3. Text proofreading does not involve any form of adjusting the timing of frames, refining character movements, or adding special effects. It focuses solely on checking for errors in written text, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

4. Audio editing involves manipulating and refining audio elements, such as adjusting the volume, removing background noise, adding effects, and mixing different audio tracks. It does not involve adjusting the timing of frames or refining character movements.

Therefore, the most appropriate choice for the given question is Animation editing.

The digital production process that involves adjusting the timing of frames, refining character movements, and adding special effects is animation editing.