In 3 to 5 sentences, explain how resources, competition, and the survival of organisms are connected.

Resources are essential for the survival of organisms, as they provide the necessary energy and nutrients needed to live. However, resources are limited and must be competed for among organisms within an ecosystem. This competition for resources can drive natural selection, favoring individuals that are better adapted to their environment and more successful at obtaining resources. Through this process, only the fittest individuals are able to survive and reproduce, ensuring the continued existence of their species.

Right like an 7th grader

Sure, think of it like this: Imagine a group of animals living in a forest. They all need food, water, and shelter to survive. But there's only so much food and space to go around. So, the animals have to compete with each other for these resources. The ones that are best at finding food and staying safe are more likely to survive and have babies of their own. Over time, this competition helps shape which animals are best suited to their environment, so they can keep on surviving.