A) Which of the following species would have the greatest chance of going extinct? (1 point)

a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a changing
a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a stable
a species with a fast reproduction rate and lots of genetic variation living in a stable environment
a species with a fast reproduction rate and lots of genetic variation living in a changing

a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a changing environment

A) Which of the following is believed to be common among all mass extinction events?

(1 point)
the type of event that causes the extinction
the type of species that went extinct
the number of species that went extinct
a significant change in the global climate

a significant change in the global climate

A) Imagine two populations of penguins live in the same ecosystem. One population begins to

exchange stones as a mating ritual while the other population begins to dance by shifting from
one foot to the other. Individuals from each population will only mate with individuals that
display the appropriate mating ritual. Which type of reproductive isolation mechanism does this
scenario describe? (1 point)
Geographic Isolation
Habitat Isolation
Behavioral Isolation
Temporal Isolation

Behavioral Isolation

A) Human-created climate change is caused by (1 point)

increased use of green energy sources.
decreased burning of fossil fuels.
increased oxygen in the air.
increased carbon dioxide in the air.

increased carbon dioxide in the air.

A) Imagine the environment of an ecosystem changes such that it floods more often. Which

species would most likely increase in numbers in this new environment? (1 point)
a flightless bird species that makes its nest on the ground
an insect species that lives on the leaves of short bushes
a mammal species that burrows underground
a tree species that is tolerant of excess water

a tree species that is tolerant of excess water