1. Write 3 examples for your classmates of an objective statement you may have as a CNA.

2. Write 3 examples for your classmates of a subjective statement you may have as a CNA.

Objective statements:

1. "To provide compassionate and skilled care to patients in a clinical setting as a certified nursing assistant."
2. "To assist patients with activities of daily living and promote their overall well-being in a long-term care facility."
3. "To work collaboratively with healthcare team members to ensure the highest quality of care for all patients in a hospital setting."

Subjective statements:
1. "I feel rewarded when I am able to make a positive impact on a patient's day through my care and attention."
2. "I sometimes find it challenging to balance the demands of my job with the emotional toll of seeing patients in difficult situations."
3. "I enjoy building relationships with patients and their families, and it brings me joy to see their progress and recovery over time."