Romans 3:23 states: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This statement is an example of a/an _________, __________ truth.

objective, subjective
objective, universal truth
subjective, personal
subjective, universal

objective, universal truth

The statement "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" in Romans 3:23 is an example of an objective, universal truth.

The statement in Romans 3:23 is an example of an objective, universal truth.

To arrive at this understanding, let's break down the options:

1. Objective, subjective: Objective truth refers to something that is independent of personal feelings or biases, while subjective truth is influenced by personal perspectives or opinions. The statement in Romans 3:23 is not based on personal feelings or biases, but rather presents a general truth that applies to all individuals, so it does not fit the category of subjective truth.

2. Objective, universal truth: As mentioned earlier, an objective truth is based on facts and is not influenced by personal opinions. A universal truth is a truth that applies universally to all individuals or situations. In the case of Romans 3:23, the statement asserts that all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, without any exceptions or limitations, making it an objective, universal truth.

3. Subjective, personal: As noted earlier, subjective truth is influenced by personal perspectives or opinions. Although the statement in Romans 3:23 may have personal significance to individuals, it is not a subjective truth because it is not based on personal opinions or perspectives.

4. Subjective, universal: A subjective universal truth may seem contradictory because subjective truth is influenced by personal perspectives, while universal truth applies to everyone. As the statement in Romans 3:23 is not based on personal perspectives but is rather a general truth applicable to all, it does not fit the category of subjective, universal truth.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Romans 3:23 is an example of an objective, universal truth.