Northeastern cultures versus southeastern cultures

Lived in wigwams
Lived in longhouses
Lived in houses made from wood covered in clay
Longer growing season

Northeastern Cultures:

- Lived in wigwams, which were dome-shaped dwellings made of wood and covered in bark or hides
- Engaged in agriculture as a main source of food, typically corn, beans, and squash
- Had shorter growing seasons due to colder climates
- Were more likely to hunt and fish for food
- Had strong kinship ties and often lived in extended family groups

Southeastern Cultures:
- Lived in longhouses, which were large communal dwellings made of wood and thatched roofs
- Engaged in agriculture as a main source of food, growing crops like corn, beans, and squash
- Had longer growing seasons due to warmer climates
- Were skilled in pottery making and basket weaving
- Had complex social structures with hierarchical leadership and ceremonial practices

Overall, northeastern cultures and southeastern cultures had different housing structures, agricultural practices, and social customs due to their unique environments and geographic locations.