Brief history of Australia (5 pages)

. Well set out introduction that introduce in brief provides the back ground to your work and touches on what is to be covered in my essay, body demonstrate a substantive work, application of in depth historical skills and knowledge in chorological order present evidences and past and conclude by reaffirmed the points in the body of your work and references extra page


Australia, also known as the Commonwealth of Australia, is a vast country located in the southern hemisphere. It is the sixth-largest country in the world by land area and is famous for its unique wildlife, landscapes, and indigenous culture. The history of Australia is rich and diverse, with the country being inhabited by indigenous peoples for thousands of years before European colonization.

In this essay, we will explore the brief history of Australia, from its indigenous beginnings to the present day. We will look at key events, influences, and developments that have shaped the country's history, and discuss how these have impacted Australia's identity and culture.


The history of Australia can be divided into several key periods, each with its own significant events and developments. The first period of Australia's history is the pre-colonial era, during which the continent was inhabited by indigenous peoples for at least 65,000 years. These indigenous peoples had complex societies, languages, and cultures, and lived in harmony with the land.

In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the eastern coast of Australia for the British Empire, leading to the eventual colonization of the continent by the British. The first fleet of British convicts arrived in Australia in 1788, marking the beginning of European settlement. This period, known as the convict era, saw the establishment of penal colonies in Australia, including Port Arthur in Tasmania and Botany Bay in New South Wales.

During the 19th century, Australia experienced rapid growth and development, fueled by the discovery of gold in Victoria and New South Wales. The gold rushes attracted immigrants from around the world, including China, Europe, and the Americas, leading to a diverse and multicultural society.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the development of Australia as a nation, with the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. The country began to assert its independence from Britain, and a sense of national identity began to emerge.

During World War I, Australia's involvement in the war had a profound impact on the country, leading to a sense of national pride and identity. The Anzac legend, which commemorates the bravery and sacrifice of Australian and New Zealand soldiers in the war, became an important part of Australian identity.

After World War II, Australia saw rapid economic growth and development, fueled by immigration and industrialization. The country became a vibrant multicultural society, with immigrants from around the world making significant contributions to Australian culture and society.


In conclusion, the history of Australia is a complex and diverse one, shaped by indigenous cultures, European colonization, and global influences. The country has experienced significant changes and developments over the centuries, leading to the vibrant and multicultural society that exists today.

The key events and influences that have shaped Australia's history have contributed to the country's unique identity and culture. From the pre-colonial era to the present day, Australia has evolved into a modern and dynamic nation, with a rich and diverse heritage.

By exploring the history of Australia, we gain a deeper understanding of the forces and factors that have shaped the country and its people. From the indigenous beginnings to the present day, Australia's history is a story of resilience, adaptation, and growth.


1. National Museum of Australia. (n.d.). Australia's history. Retrieved from

2. Australian Government. (n.d.). Australia's history. Retrieved from

3. National Archives of Australia. (n.d.). Discovering Anzacs. Retrieved from