Brian can read 80 pages in 2 hours. How many pages can he read in 3.5 hours? (1 point)


140 pages
140 pages

11.43 pages
11.43 pages

560 pages
560 pages

45.71 pages

140 pages

To find out how many pages Brian can read in 3.5 hours, we can set up a proportion. We know that Brian can read 80 pages in 2 hours. Let's set up the proportion:

80 pages / 2 hours = x pages / 3.5 hours

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and divide:
2 * x = 80 * 3.5
2x = 280
x = 280 / 2
x = 140 pages

Therefore, Brian can read 140 pages in 3.5 hours.

To find out how many pages Brian can read in 3.5 hours, we can use a proportion. We know that Brian can read 80 pages in 2 hours, so we can set up the proportion:

80 pages / 2 hours = x pages / 3.5 hours

To solve for x, we can cross multiply and divide:

80 * 3.5 = 2 * x

280 = 2x

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 280 / 2

x = 140

Therefore, Brian can read 140 pages in 3.5 hours.