2. How do you identify a story's central idea or theme?

To identify a story's central idea or theme, you can:

1. Consider the main conflict or problem in the story. The central idea or theme is often related to this conflict and can give insight into what the story is trying to convey.

2. Look for recurring symbols, motifs, or images throughout the story. These elements can help reveal the underlying message or theme.

3. Pay attention to the characters' actions, motivations, and relationships. Their behavior and interactions can provide clues about the central idea or theme.

4. Reflect on the story's overall tone and mood. The mood of a story can often hint at its central idea or theme.

5. Consider the author's purpose in writing the story. What message or lesson do they want to convey to the reader?

By analyzing these elements and considering how they all work together to create meaning, you can effectively identify a story's central idea or theme.