Is (3,4) a solution to this system of inequalities?

19x–18y≤ –15
15x–12y≤ –13

To determine if (3,4) is a solution to this system of inequalities, we will substitute x = 3 and y = 4 into each inequality and check if the values satisfy both inequalities:

1) 19(3) - 18(4) ≤ -15
57 - 72 ≤ -15
-15 ≤ -15
This inequality is true.

2) 15(3) - 12(4) ≤ -13
45 - 48 ≤ -13
-3 ≤ -13
This inequality is false.

Since (3,4) does not satisfy both inequalities simultaneously, it is not a solution to the system of inequalities.