What are characteristics of good leaners

1. Curiosity: Good learners are naturally curious and interested in gaining new knowledge and skills.

2. Critical thinking: They are able to analyze and evaluate information, ideas, and concepts to make informed decisions.

3. Persistence: Good learners are not easily discouraged by challenges or setbacks and are willing to put in the effort to overcome obstacles.

4. Self-motivation: They are driven by internal factors such as personal goals, passion, and the desire to learn and grow.

5. Adaptability: Good learners are flexible and able to adjust their approach to learning based on feedback and new information.

6. Effective communication: They are able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively, and are open to receiving feedback from others.

7. Collaboration: Good learners are able to work well with others, share information and resources, and learn from the perspectives and experiences of others.

8. Reflective: They take the time to reflect on their own learning experiences, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments to their learning strategies.

9. Open-minded: Good learners are open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, and are willing to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions.

10. Resilience: They are able to bounce back from failures and setbacks, learn from mistakes, and continue to pursue their learning goals.