Why in Africa, including Zambia, Cabinet appointments outside the legislature have been resisted against? Explain in details

Cabinet appointments outside the legislature have been resisted in Africa, including Zambia, for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is that it is seen as undemocratic and a threat to the principle of separation of powers. In a democratic system, the legislature is meant to hold the executive branch accountable, and allowing non-legislators to hold cabinet positions blurs the lines between the two branches of government.

Another reason for the resistance to non-legislator cabinet appointments is the perception that it undermines the representativeness of the government. The legislature is meant to represent the people and to ensure that their interests are taken into account in decision-making processes. By appointing individuals who are not accountable to the people through the legislative process, there is a concern that the government may become unaccountable and less responsive to the needs of the citizens.

Furthermore, there is a fear that non-legislator cabinet appointments may lead to conflicts of interest and corruption. Non-legislators may not have the same level of scrutiny and oversight as elected officials, making them more susceptible to influence from special interests or personal gain. This can undermine the integrity of the government and erode public trust in the political system.

In Zambia specifically, there have been instances where non-legislator cabinet appointments have sparked controversy and opposition from civil society groups and opposition parties. For example, in 2019, President Edgar Lungu appointed several individuals from outside the legislature to cabinet positions, leading to accusations of nepotism and lack of transparency in the appointment process.

Overall, the resistance to non-legislator cabinet appointments in Africa, including Zambia, is rooted in concerns about democratic principles, representativeness, accountability, and integrity in the government. It is important for governments to consider these factors when making cabinet appointments to ensure the legitimacy and effectiveness of their administration.