How do independent executive agencies take on the qualities of the other branches?(1 point)


Like the legislature, they need to be elected.
Like the legislature, they need to be elected.

Like a legislature, they have rulemaking authority; like the executive branch, they enforce rules; and like a judiciary, they interpret different regulations.
Like a legislature, they have rulemaking authority; like the executive branch, they enforce rules; and like a judiciary, they interpret different regulations.

They have to listen to the needs of the lobbyists.
They have to listen to the needs of the lobbyists.

They have the final say about what legislation gets signed into law by the president.

They have the final say about what legislation gets signed into law by the president.

Like the executive branch, they have the final say about what legislation gets signed into law by the president.

Like the executive branch, they have the final say about what legislation gets signed into law by the president.

To understand how independent executive agencies take on the qualities of the other branches, we can analyze their structure and functions. Independent executive agencies are part of the executive branch of the government and are therefore not directly elected by the people like members of the legislature. However, they do have rulemaking authority, similar to the legislature, as they can create regulations that have the force of law. This is an important power that is typically associated with the legislative branch.

Additionally, independent executive agencies enforce these rules, similar to the executive branch. They have the authority and responsibility to ensure that the regulations they create are followed and enforced. This is a key function of the executive branch.

Finally, independent executive agencies also interpret regulations, which is a function typically associated with the judiciary. They have the power to interpret and apply the rules they create, resolving any disputes or ambiguities that may arise.

In summary, while independent executive agencies are not elected like the legislature, they do possess qualities associated with the different branches of government. They exercise legislative-like rulemaking authority, executive-like enforcement powers, and judiciary-like interpretation of regulations.