Narrative Essay Prompt: Based on the excerpt from The Lost Years of Merlin by T. A. Barron, write a narrative that tells what will most likely happen to the boy next. Use what you know about the characters, setting, and events from the excerpt to write your narrative.

Criteria for Success

Your essay…

Answers the essay question above by telling a story about “what happens to the boy next” with specific details from the reading with a logical progression of plot

Maintains a consistent point of view and voice of the narrator from The Lost Years of Merlin by T. A. Barron

Is at least 4-6 paragraphs long (as a general guideline)

Incorporates basic elements of fiction (consider: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, characters, setting, and conflicts)

Incorporates dialogue at least 4 times

Uses interesting vocabulary (choose strong verbs & adjectives)

Applies Traits of Writing as we practiced in LiveLesson: Logical Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions

The young boy, Emrys, found himself lost in the dark and dangerous forest. He had ventured off the beaten path, searching for the source of a mysterious light that had beckoned to him. As he wandered deeper into the forest, a sense of unease crept over him. The shadows grew long and twisted, and strange noises echoed through the trees.

Suddenly, a towering figure emerged from the darkness. It was a fierce-looking man with wild eyes and a menacing grin. Emrys felt a chill run down his spine as he realized that he had stumbled upon the legendary sorcerer, Mauryl. The sorcerer's reputation preceded him – a powerful and unpredictable figure, capable of great magic and great cruelty.

Mauryl studied the boy with a piercing gaze, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "What brings a mere mortal like you into my domain, boy?" he sneered. Emrys squared his shoulders, trying to appear brave despite the fear that churned in his gut. "I seek nothing but answers," he replied, his voice steady.

The sorcerer's laugh boomed through the forest, causing birds to scatter in a flurry of wings. "Answers, you say? What could a simple boy like you possibly want to know?" Emrys took a step forward, his eyes never wavering from Mauryl's. "I seek to learn the ways of magic, to unravel the mysteries of this world," he declared.

Mauryl's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Magic is not for the faint of heart, boy. It is a dangerous path to tread, filled with peril and temptation." Emrys stood his ground, his determination unwavering. "I am willing to face whatever challenges come my way. I will not be deterred."

The sorcerer's gaze softened, a hint of curiosity glinting in his eyes. "Very well, boy. If you truly wish to learn the ways of magic, then you must prove yourself worthy. Follow me, and I will teach you what you seek." And with that, Mauryl turned and vanished into the shadows, leaving Emrys to follow in his wake, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation.

As the boy disappeared into the dark depths of the forest with the mysterious sorcerer, his journey into the world of magic had only just begun. The challenges and trials that lay ahead would test his courage, his resilience, and his unyielding determination. But one thing was certain – the boy known as Emrys would someday become the legendary wizard Merlin, renowned for his wisdom and his mastery of magic. And it all started with a chance encounter in a dark, foreboding forest.

make it 4 paragraphs pls

The young boy, Emrys, found himself lost in the dark and dangerous forest. He had ventured off the beaten path, searching for the source of a mysterious light that had beckoned to him. As he wandered deeper into the forest, a sense of unease crept over him. The shadows grew long and twisted, and strange noises echoed through the trees.

Suddenly, a towering figure emerged from the darkness. It was a fierce-looking man with wild eyes and a menacing grin. Emrys felt a chill run down his spine as he realized that he had stumbled upon the legendary sorcerer, Mauryl. The sorcerer's reputation preceded him – a powerful and unpredictable figure, capable of great magic and great cruelty.

Mauryl studied the boy with a piercing gaze, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "What brings a mere mortal like you into my domain, boy?" he sneered. Emrys squared his shoulders, trying to appear brave despite the fear that churned in his gut. "I seek nothing but answers," he replied, his voice steady.

The sorcerer's gaze softened, a hint of curiosity glinting in his eyes. "Very well, boy. If you truly wish to learn the ways of magic, then you must prove yourself worthy. Follow me, and I will teach you what you seek." And with that, Mauryl turned and vanished into the shadows, leaving Emrys to follow in his wake, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation.