are penguins with shorter wings picked off easier by predators

Yes, penguins with shorter wings may be picked off easier by predators because they may have reduced flying abilities and may not be able to escape as easily. Shorter wings can also affect their swimming abilities, making them more vulnerable to predators in the water. Ultimately, penguins with shorter wings may have a harder time evading predators and may be at a greater risk of being caught.

are penguins with longer wings better mates

In general, penguins with longer wings may have an advantage when it comes to mating. Longer wings can indicate superior flying and swimming abilities, which can be attractive traits for potential mates. Penguins use various displays and behaviors to attract a mate, and having longer wings may help demonstrate physical fitness and genetic superiority to potential partners.

Additionally, longer wings could also be associated with better foraging abilities, which can benefit the reproductive success and survival of the pair and their offspring. However, it's important to note that mate selection in penguins and other species is influenced by a combination of factors, including physical traits, behavior, and social interactions. Other characteristics such as vocalization, courtship displays, and nest-building skills also play a role in the mating process.