Explain how self is constructed , according to symbolic interactions and provide examples from ýour personal experience

According to symbolic interactionism, the self is constructed through interactions with others and the meanings we assign to these interactions. This theory suggests that individuals develop a sense of self through social interactions, where they learn to interpret and respond to symbols, gestures, and language.

In my personal experience, I have noticed how my sense of self has been shaped by interactions with others. For example, growing up, my parents and siblings played a significant role in shaping my identity by providing feedback, validation, and encouragement. Through their interactions, I learned about my strengths, weaknesses, and values, which helped to shape my self-concept.

Additionally, interactions with peers, teachers, and friends have also played a role in shaping my self-concept. For instance, receiving positive feedback from a teacher on a school project may have boosted my confidence and helped me see myself as capable and intelligent. On the other hand, negative feedback or criticism from peers may have caused me to doubt my abilities and contribute to feelings of inadequacy.

Overall, my personal experiences have reinforced the idea that the self is constructed through interactions with others and the meanings we assign to these interactions. These interactions have helped to shape my identity, beliefs, and values, and continue to influence how I see myself and interact with the world around me.