Which of the following are examples of irrational numbers? Select all that apply.




2 x √4

√49 x √81






An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. When we calculate the values:

- √5 = 2.2360679775... is irrational
- √36 = 6, which is rational
- √9 = 3, which is rational
- √24 ≈ 4.898 979 486, which is irrational
- 3√12 = 3 x √12 ≈ 3 x 3.4641016151 = 10.3923048, which is irrational

Therefore, the combinations that result in an irrational number are

√5 + √36 and √9 + √24 and 3√12.