Which of these numbers is irrational? select all that apply

A. V72

B. 1.2785918431...

C. 7/9

D. V36

The irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be written as fractions and have non-repeating decimal representations.

A. √72 can be simplified as √36 * √2 = 6√2. Since 6 and √2 are both rational numbers, √72 is a rational number.

B. 1.2785918431... represents a non-repeating decimal, but without further information, we cannot determine if it is rational or irrational.

C. 7/9 is a fraction and can be written as a ratio of two integers, so it is a rational number.

D. √36 = 6, which is a rational number.

Therefore, none of the given numbers are irrational.