Read this portion of an outline from a passage.

Should students work during the school year?
A. Money
1.(working) Getting a paycheck allows you to have money to pay for tuition and other expenses.
2. (not working) Not having a paycheck means relying on others to take care of your expenses.
B. Time Management
1.(working) You learn how to manage your time, which is a valuable skill. However, balancing school, work, family, and friends can be difficult.
2.(not working) Focusing on school is easier because you have fewer responsibilities to schedule in your day.
C. Future Employment
1.(working) Having a job can positively affect your future employment because it provides you with valuable experience.
2.(not working) Not having a job in school means you miss out on getting on-the job experience.
What comparison strategy does the author use in the passage?

A)point-by-point comparison

B)money-versus-time comparison

C)subject-by-subject comparison

D)idea-by-idea comparison

A) point-by-point comparison