a processing machine crushes 3 1/4 kilograms of dry fruits in 3/4 minutes what is the rate In kilograms per minute at which the machine crushes

To find the rate at which the machine crushes the dry fruits in kilograms per minute, we can use the formula:

Rate = Amount crushed / Time taken

In this case, the amount crushed is 3 1/4 kilograms and the time taken is 3/4 minutes.

Convert 3 1/4 kilograms to an improper fraction:
3 1/4 = 13/4

Now calculate the rate:
Rate = 13/4 / 3/4
Rate = 13/4 * 4/3
Rate = 13 / 3
Rate = 4 1/3 kilograms per minute

So, the machine crushes dry fruits at a rate of 4 1/3 kilograms per minute.