Two watermelons fall off a kitchen counter. The masses and speeds of the fruits are in the table. How do the kinetic and/or the potential energies of the fruits compare?(1 point) Responses Both fruits have the same kinetic and potential energy. Both fruits have the same kinetic and potential energy. The watermelon B has more kinetic energy. The watermelon B has more kinetic energy. The watermelon A has more kinetic energy. The watermelon A has more kinetic energy. Both fruits have only potential energy and no kinetic energy.

Both fruits have the same kinetic and potential energy.

A student drops a 350-gram rock and a 500-gram rock into a pool from a height of 8 meters. Which statement about the investigation is accurate?(1 point) Responses The 350-gram rock causes a larger splash because it has less mass. The 350-gram rock causes a larger splash because it has less mass. The 350-gram rock causes a smaller splash because it has more kinetic energy. The 350-gram rock causes a smaller splash because it has more kinetic energy. The 500-gram rock causes a larger splash because it has more kinetic energy. The 500-gram rock causes a larger splash because it has more kinetic energy. The 500-gram rock causes a smaller splash because it has more mass. The 500-gram rock causes a smaller splash because it has more mass.

The 500-gram rock causes a larger splash because it has more kinetic energy.

To compare the kinetic and potential energies of the two falling watermelons, we need to consider their masses and speeds. The kinetic energy of an object is given by the equation KE = ½mv², where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity. The potential energy of an object near the surface of the Earth is given by the equation PE = mgh, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

Since the masses and speeds of the two fruits are not provided in the question, we cannot determine the exact values of their kinetic and potential energies. Therefore, it is not possible to answer the question as it is given.

To compare the kinetic and potential energies of the watermelons, we need to consider their masses and speeds. The kinetic energy (KE) of an object is given by the equation KE = 0.5 * mass * speed^2. The potential energy (PE) of an object in a gravitational field is given by the equation PE = mass * acceleration due to gravity * height.

Looking at the table, we can determine the masses and speeds of the two watermelons. Let's denote the first watermelon as A and the second watermelon as B.

To calculate the kinetic energy of watermelon A, we need to multiply its mass by its speed squared: KE_A = 0.5 * mass_A * speed_A^2. Similarly, the kinetic energy of watermelon B can be calculated as KE_B = 0.5 * mass_B * speed_B^2.

To compare the potential energies, we need to determine the heights of the watermelons. The potential energy of watermelon A is calculated as PE_A = mass_A * acceleration due to gravity * height_A. Similarly, the potential energy of watermelon B can be calculated as PE_B = mass_B * acceleration due to gravity * height_B.

Once we have calculated the kinetic and potential energies of both watermelons, we can compare them to determine how they differ. Based on the comparisons, we can choose the appropriate option from the provided responses to answer the question.

Please provide the masses and speeds of the watermelons to proceed with the calculations.

watermelon a has a mass of 4 and speed of 2

watermelon b has a mass of 4 and a speed of 4
so how what is the answer