If the surface area of a rectangular pyramid was 1,001.6 cm² what would the actual dimensions of the rectangular pyramid be?

Let's assume that the rectangular pyramid has a length (l), width (w), and height (h).

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular pyramid is given by:

Surface Area = lw + l√(w^2/4 + h^2) + w√(l^2/4 + h^2)

Given that the surface area is 1,001.6 cm², we can set up the equation as follows:

1,001.6 = lw + l√(w^2/4 + h^2) + w√(l^2/4 + h^2)

Since we don't have enough information to find the specific values of l, w, and h, we can only solve for their relationship to each other given the surface area.