A set of four stars form the shape of a rectangle in space. The length of the rectangle is approximately 6,270,000,000 miles, while the width of the rectangle is approximately 48,300,000 miles. What is the approximate area of the rectangle?

3.02841 × 1063 square miles
3.02841 × 1017 square miles
30.2841 × 1015 square miles
3.02841 × 1016 square miles

D. 3.02841 × 1016 square miles

To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width. In this case, the area would be 6,270,000,000 miles x 48,300,000 miles = 302,841,000,000,000,000 square miles.

Converting this to scientific notation, we get 3.02841 x 10^16 square miles. So, the approximate area of the rectangle is 3.02841 × 1016 square miles.