If I need to buy some cardboard to build a box 10 in long, 9 in wide, and 7 in high and I purchase 500 square inches of cardboard how much will be left over

To calculate the surface area of the box, we need to find the sum of the surface area of each of the six sides.

Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
Surface Area = 2(10*9) + 2(10*7) + 2(9*7)
Surface Area = 180 + 140 + 126
Surface Area = 446 square inches

Therefore, to build a box with dimensions of 10 in long, 9 in wide, and 7 in high would require 446 square inches of cardboard.

If you purchase 500 square inches of cardboard, then the remaining amount left over would be:
500 - 446 = 54 square inches

Thus, after building the box with the given dimensions, there would be 54 square inches of cardboard left over.