Stacey needs to buy some cardboard to build a box 10 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 7 inches high. If she purchases 500 square inches of cardboard, how much will be left over? Georgia Milestones Grade 7 Mathematics Formula Sheet (1 point) Responses 446 square inches 446 square inches 54 square inches 54 square inches 426 square inches 426 square inches 406 square inches

To find the total surface area of the box, you would need to find the surface area of each of the six sides and then add them up.

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism is: 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Length (l) = 10 inches
Width (w) = 9 inches
Height (h) = 7 inches

Surface area = 2(10)(9) + 2(10)(7) + 2(9)(7)
Surface area = 180 + 140 + 126
Surface area = 446 square inches

Since Stacey purchased 500 square inches of cardboard, she will have 500 - 446 = 54 square inches left over.

Therefore, the answer is: 54 square inches.