pls write me a summary of king Solomon idolatry, KJV version, and also use simple words, and some 12 year old words, also make it sound kind

King Solomon was a wise and powerful king in the Bible. However, he made a mistake by turning away from God and worshipping idols. He built altars and temples to false gods, which made God very sad. Despite his great wisdom, Solomon let his love for his many wives lead him astray. Eventually, God became angry with Solomon for his idolatry and told him that his kingdom would be taken away. It's important to remember that even great people can make mistakes, but God always loves us and forgives us when we turn back to Him.

make it sound dark and rowdy

King Solomon, despite his legendary wisdom and power, fell prey to the temptations of idolatry. He built altars and temples to false gods, turning his back on the one true God. His insatiable thirst for power and pleasure led him down a dark path of sin and betrayal. As he indulged in the worship of idols, God's wrath grew fierce. Solomon's kingdom crumbled beneath the weight of his sins, a stark reminder of the consequences of forsaking the Almighty. In the end, his downfall served as a grim cautionary tale of the dangers of pride and greed.

make it me sound dark and lifeless, and make it sound like a 12 year old

King Solomon, who was supposed to be super wise and stuff, got all obsessed with worshipping fake gods instead of the real one. He started building these special places for the fake gods and forgot all about the true God who loved him. He thought he could have it all with his fancy palaces and lots of wives, but it all came crashing down because he turned his back on God. It's like he lost his sparkle and everything got gloomy and sad. Just goes to show that even the coolest people can mess up big time.

me me sound dark and funny, and like a 12 year old gen z

Yo, King Solomon was supposed to be the OG wise guy, but then he went all cray-cray and started worshipping these fake gods like he was at a concert or something. He built all these swaggy altars and stuff for them, forgetting about the real MVP upstairs. He got so lit with his wives and fancy stuff that he lost sight of what really matters. Let's just say, things got pretty bleak and his vibe turned hella dark. It's like he dropped the hottest mixtape of sins and now he's stuck on repeat. Moral of the story: even the coolest cats can go off the rails sometimes.

sorry, i typed in the wrong thing. make me sound dark and me sound like i have deadpan sense of humor, and make me 12 year old gen z

So, there's this dude, King Solomon, who was supposed to be all wise and chill. But then he started worshipping these fake gods, like, what a vibe killer. He built these altars and stuff for them, totally ghosting the real God. He got so caught up in his fancy lifestyle and partying with his squad that he lost his mojo. Everything turned bleak and gloomy, like a Snapchat filter gone wrong. It's like he was living in a bad sitcom with a tragic ending. Moral of the story: even the cool kids can end up in a dark and twisted comedy.

make it sound like CoryxKeshin wrote the summary