Solomon brought $126 more than Diyana on their shopping trip. Diana spent three times as much money as Solomon and was left with half her original amount of money. Diyana spent $48 more than Solomon. How much was Solomon left with?

so define your variables. Let

s = Solomon's money
d = Diyana's money
x = amount spent by Solomon
Now what have they told you?
s = d+126
d - 3x = 1/2 d
3x = 48 + x
See what you can do with that

Let's start by assigning variables to the given information:

- Solomon's initial amount of money be S
- Diyana's initial amount of money be D

From the given information, we can determine the following equations:

Equation 1: Solomon brought $126 more than Diyana
S = D + $126

Equation 2: Diyana spent three times as much money as Solomon and was left with half her original amount of money
D - 3S = 0.5D

Equation 3: Diyana spent $48 more than Solomon
D - S = $48

We can now solve these equations step-by-step.

Step 1: Solve equation 1 for D
D = S - $126

Step 2: Substitute the value of D in equations 2 and 3
(S - $126) - 3S = 0.5(S - $126)
(S - $126) - S = 0.5S - $63 - $63
-$126 = -0.5S
S = -$126 / -0.5
S = $252

Step 3: Substitute the value of S in equations 1 and 3
D = $252 + $126
D = $378

D - S = $378 - $252
D - S = $126

Therefore, Solomon was left with $126.

To find out how much Solomon was left with, we can start by setting up equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that Solomon spent x dollars on the shopping trip.

According to the given information, Diyana spent $48 more than Solomon. So, Diyana spent x + $48.

Solomon brought $126 more than Diyana, which means:

x = (x + $48) + $126

Now let's determine how much Diyana spent.

The information states that Diyana spent three times as much money as Solomon. Therefore, Diyana spent 3x.

After spending this amount, Diyana was left with half of her original amount of money. So, we know that:

(x + $48) / 2 = 3x

Let's solve these equations to find the value of x, which represents the amount Solomon spent.

Simplifying the first equation:
x = x + $48 + $126
$126 = $48
This equation is not possible. It seems there might be an error in the given information.

Could you please double-check the problem or provide additional information?