How can you rearrange the items so

that the kitchen is safe?

1. Remove any hazardous items from countertops, such as knives, scissors, or small appliances.

2. Secure loose cords from appliances to prevent tripping hazards.
3. Store cleaning supplies and chemicals in a locked cabinet or out of reach of children.
4. Install safety latches on cabinets and drawers to prevent young children from accessing dangerous items.
5. Make sure all appliances are in proper working condition and do not have frayed cords or other potential hazards.
6. Keep the floor clear of any clutter or items that could cause someone to trip and fall.
7. Store heavy items on lower shelves to prevent them from falling and causing injury.
8. Have a fire extinguisher readily accessible in case of emergencies.
9. Ensure all electrical outlets and cords are in good condition and not overloaded.
10. Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in a designated area in case of accidents or injuries.