What will most likely happen if earth did not have an atmosphere?

Humans and animals my last survive do to increase oxygen levels were plants cause survive as the carbon dioxide level remains constant

Humans and animals will not survive because they will not have oxygen to breathe, and plants will not survive without the carbon dioxide provided by humans and animals

Humans and animals could thrive with abundant oxygen for breathing, while plants would do well as the carbon dioxide level rises

Humans and animals with survive because oxygen level will remain the same but plants. My struggle because level of carbon dioxide would decrease.

The most likely scenario is that humans and animals would not survive without an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere, there would be no oxygen for breathing, and plants would not survive without the carbon dioxide provided by humans and animals. It is essential for all living organisms to have a balance of gases in the atmosphere in order to survive.

What is the answer?

Humans and animals would not survive without an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere, there would be no oxygen for breathing, and plants would not survive without the carbon dioxide provided by humans and animals.