In this portfolio you will write your own invented narrative you will start by developing the elements of your story characters setting plot high will be built on a conflict of some kind and theme in a writing plan you will learn how to use certain verbs to create the effect you want for your reader


1. Ava - a young artist struggling to find her voice and vision
2. Miles - a successful art gallery owner who offers Ava a chance to showcase her work
3. Lily - Ava's supportive best friend who encourages her to pursue her passion
4. Mr. Smith - a renowned art critic known for his harsh critiques

The story takes place in a bustling city with a vibrant art scene. Ava's small studio apartment serves as the backdrop for her creative struggles, while Miles's sleek gallery provides a glimpse into the world of high-end art exhibitions.

Ava has always dreamed of becoming a successful artist but has never had the courage to put her work out into the world. When Miles sees one of her paintings at a local coffee shop, he is immediately struck by her talent and offers her a solo exhibition at his gallery. Ava is thrilled at the opportunity but soon finds herself paralyzed by self-doubt and fear of failure.

As the opening night of her show approaches, Ava is torn between taking the leap and hiding her art away forever. With Lily's unwavering support and encouragement, Ava decides to confront her fears and embrace the opportunity to showcase her work. However, on the night of the exhibition, Mr. Smith arrives and delivers a scathing review that threatens to crush Ava's dreams.

The central theme of the story is overcoming self-doubt and fear in order to pursue one's passion. Ava must learn to trust in her own voice and vision, even in the face of criticism and rejection. Ultimately, she discovers that true fulfillment comes from following her heart and staying true to herself, regardless of the obstacles in her path.

Writing Plan:
1. Use descriptive verbs to create a sense of Ava's inner turmoil and conflict, such as "struggling," "paralyzed," and "torn."
2. Employ dynamic verbs to convey the tension and drama of the plot, such as "confront," "embrace," and "crush."
3. Utilize strong verbs to underscore the themes of overcoming obstacles and pursuing one's dreams, such as "trust," "follow," and "discover."

By incorporating these carefully chosen verbs into the narrative, you can effectively convey the emotional depth and complexity of Ava's journey and create a compelling and engaging story for your readers.

Put it into a story paragraph

In the bustling city with a vibrant art scene, Ava, a young struggling artist, found herself at a crossroads. When the successful art gallery owner, Miles, offered her a chance to showcase her work, she was thrilled yet paralyzed by self-doubt. With the unwavering support of her best friend, Lily, Ava decided to confront her fears and embrace the opportunity. However, on the night of the exhibition, renowned art critic Mr. Smith arrived and delivered a scathing review that threatened to crush Ava's dreams. Through her journey of overcoming self-doubt and fear, Ava learned to trust in her own voice and vision, discovering that true fulfillment comes from following her heart and staying true to herself, regardless of the obstacles in her path.