High structural element drives the plot of a story

forward by providing a framework through which the characters and events within the narrative can unfold. This element can take many forms, such as a central conflict, a quest for a goal, or a series of challenges that the characters must overcome.

In the case of a high structural element, this typically refers to a main conflict or obstacle that drives the action of the story and propels the characters toward resolution. This could be a high-stakes dilemma, a powerful antagonist, or a defining moment that sets the course of the plot in motion.

For example, in a classic hero's journey story, the high structural element may be the hero's quest to defeat an evil villain and save the kingdom. This overarching conflict gives direction to the plot and provides a sense of purpose for the protagonist as they navigate through various trials and tribulations.

In conclusion, a high structural element is essential for creating a compelling and dynamic narrative that keeps readers engaged and invested in the outcome of the story. It serves as the backbone of the plot, guiding the characters through their journey and ultimately shaping the resolution of the narrative.