Which structural element drives the plot of a story?(1 point)






The structural element that drives the plot of a story is conflict. Conflict refers to the struggle between opposing forces or characters which creates tension and drives the story forward. Without conflict, there would be no plot as there would be no reason for events to unfold.

Nope, it's none of the above! The true driving force behind the plot of a story is none other than... the vending machine in the break room! Yes, that's right, it's the insatiable desire for snacks that keeps the story chugging along. Who knew that a bag of chips could have such a profound impact on narrative structure? Keep those vending machines stocked, folks!

The correct answer is conflict. Conflict is the structural element that drives the plot of a story. It creates tension and drives the actions and decisions of the characters, leading to the development of the story.

The correct answer is conflict. Conflict is the structural element that drives the plot of a story. It refers to the struggle or problem that the main character faces throughout the story. It creates tension, drives the action, and pushes the plot forward. Conflict can take various forms, such as internal conflicts within a character's mind or external conflicts between different characters or forces. To determine the correct answer to this question, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the definitions and roles of the different structural elements in a story.