Drag the words to the boxes in the sentences to show how religion spread throughout Southeast Asia.

After the Han Chinese conquered what is now Vietnam, the Vietnamese people adopted _______
In the Philippines, a sultanate controlled the area
which led to the spread of _______ in the area.

A. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism

B. Hinduism and Islam

C. Hinduism

D. Islam

After the Han Chinese conquered what is now Vietnam, the Vietnamese people adopted **C. Hinduism**.

In the Philippines, a sultanate controlled the area which led to the spread of **D. Islam** in the area.

Which effect did European colonization have on Indochina?

A. Imperial powers invested in education and technology in the region.

B. Imperial powers extracted resources to export for their own financial benefit.

C. Indigenous peoples benefitted from new economic systems and growth.

D. Indigenous peoples have developed democratic government based on European models.

B. Imperial powers extracted resources to export for their own financial benefit.

Which Southeast Asian nation escaped European rule?

A. Malaysia
B. Philippines
C. Singapore
D. Thailand

D. Thailand