An image illustrating the concept of urbanization in Southeast Asia with crowded cities, skyscrapers and bustling streets to reflect overpopulation. Another part of the image showing the contrast between rich and poverty-stricken areas indicating disparities, and lastly a depiction of an area being hit by a natural disaster showcasing the risks for overpopulated areas.

Drag and drop the words and phrases to complete the sentences.

disparities equalities overpopulated underpopulated emigration urbanization
Rapid______ in Southeast Asia puts too much burden on infrastructure and services in cities. This leads to increasing______ among rich and poor and can lead to political conflict.____areas also suffer greater risks in the event of natural disasters.
I think it's in this order
Am I right?? Help ASAP!

The correct answers to the test are!

1: D.
2: B, C.
3: Urbanization, disparities, and overpopulated
100% I PROMISE (for connexus students)


Thank sky. For the 2nd question I got B and E. So thanks for giving me the actuall answers to question 2. :D

I agree.

TYSM Sky i got a 100%

miss sue can eat my ###

ye ye