You are paid $9.25/hr at your part-time job. You work for 10 hr/wk. You are considering changing jobs so you can work 15 hr/wk, but the pay is $7.15/hr with tips that average $3.00/hr. How much more per week can you make by switching jobs?

First, let's calculate how much you make at your current job:

$9.25/hr x 10 hr/wk = $92.50/wk

Now, let's calculate how much you would make at the new job with tips:

$7.15/hr x 15 hr/wk = $107.25/wk
Tips: $3.00/hr x 15 hr/wk = $45.00/wk

Total: $107.25 + $45.00 = $152.25/wk

Now, let's find the difference in earnings between the two jobs:

$152.25 - $92.50 = $59.75

By switching jobs, you could make $59.75 more per week.