Jiani gets paid for every job every 9 weeks and Rosa gets paid for a job every 12 weeks. How many weeks will it take for them to get paid at the same time?

It will take 36 weeks for Jiani and Rosa to get paid at the same time.

9 = 3 * 3

12 = 3 * 4
multiply 9 by 4 and multiply 12 by 3
and then both are at 3*3*4 = 36

Answered got one right !!!!

To determine when Jiani and Rosa will get paid at the same time, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 9 and 12.

To find the LCM, we can list the multiples of both numbers until we find a common multiple.

The multiples of 9: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, ...

The multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, ...

From the lists, we can see that 36 is the smallest common multiple of 9 and 12.

Therefore, Jiani and Rosa will get paid at the same time every 36 weeks.

To find out how many weeks it will take for Jiani and Rosa to get paid at the same time, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 9 and 12.

One way to find the LCM is by listing the multiples of each number until we find a common multiple.

Multiples of 9: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, ...

Multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, ...

From the lists above, we can see that 36 is the smallest number that appears in both sequences. Therefore, Jiani and Rosa will get paid at the same time after 36 weeks.