Pick the two words that are either most nearly the same in meaning or most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Junction Induction Intersection Attention

Junction and Intersection are most nearly the same in meaning. Induction and Attention are most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Pick the two words that are either most nearly the same in meaning or most nearly the opposite in meaning.


Scrub and Scorch are most nearly the same in meaning. Scald and Sprung are most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Pick the two words that are either most nearly the same in meaning or most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Recognition Descendant Opponent Antagonist

Recognition and Descendant are most nearly opposite in meaning. Opponent and Antagonist are most nearly the same in meaning.

Pick the two words that are either most nearly the same in meaning or most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Prudent Mirthful Helpless Sullen

Prudent and Helpless are most nearly opposite in meaning. Mirthful and Sullen are most nearly the same in meaning.

Pick the two words that are either most nearly the same in meaning or most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Oviparous Eulogistic Carnivorous Laudatory

Oviparous and Carnivorous are most nearly the same in meaning as they both relate to categories of animals. Eulogistic and Laudatory are most nearly the same in meaning as they both relate to praising or expressing admiration.

Pick the two words that are either most nearly the same in meaning or most nearly the opposite in meaning.

Commodious Unwavering Cowardly Oscillatory

Commodious and Cowardly are most nearly the opposite in meaning. Unwavering and Oscillatory are most nearly the opposite in meaning.