The table shows the ordered pairs that represent the vertices of triangle one and its image triangle to after a dilation with the origin as the center of dilation

Triangle one Triangle two
X. Y. X. Y
2 -2 10 -10
3 -6 15. -30
5 -4 25. -20

Which rule best represents the dilation that was applied to triangle one to create triangle to

To find the rule for the dilation that was applied to triangle one to create triangle two, we can analyze how the x and y coordinates of each vertex changed.

For the first point (2, -2) in triangle one, it dilated to (10, -10) in triangle two.
The x coordinate increased by a factor of 5 (10/2 = 5) and the y coordinate increased by a factor of 5 (-10/-2 = 5).

Therefore, the rule for the dilation in this case is:

Dilation by a factor of 5: (x, y) -> (5x, 5y)