When the war ended in 1945, two-thirds of all American men between the ages of 18 and 34 were in uniform. Experts feared that without wartime production, many returning soldiers might have trouble finding jobs. Unemployment would rise, and the economy would tumble.

Use the passage to answer the question.
In the text, you read about post-war planning in the United States.

Which of the following best shows how Congress responded to the concern expressed in the passage?
(1 point)

by buying Levittown
by buying Levittown

by passing the GI Bill of Rights
by passing the GI Bill of Rights

by approving most of the New Deal
by approving most of the New Deal

by reducing Social Security benefits
by reducing Social Security benefits
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Correct response: by passing the GI Bill of Rights

Explanation: The GI Bill of Rights was passed by Congress in 1944 to provide assistance to returning veterans, including help with education, job training, and home loans. This was a direct response to the concern about potential unemployment and economic instability post-World War II.