
Solve the system of the two equations using elimination with multiplication

To solve this system of equations using elimination with multiplication, we first need to make the coefficients of either x or y the same in both equations. Let's choose to eliminate y by making the coefficients of y the same:

4x - 6y = -48
-2x + 4y = 30

First, let's multiply the second equation by 3 to make the coefficients of y the same:

-6x + 12y = 90

Now we have:

4x - 6y = -48
-6x + 12y = 90

Next, we can add the two equations together to eliminate y:

(4x - 6y) + (-6x + 12y) = -48 + 90
-2x = 42
x = -21

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into one of the original equations to solve for y. Let's use the first equation:

4(-21) - 6y = -48
-84 - 6y = -48
-6y = 36
y = -6

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -21 and y = -6.