And 3 to 5 sentences evaluate the impact of the 5 energy resources pictured on the graph wind, nuclear Sultan or coal and gas.In order to avoid contributing to climate change how would energy use need to change

The impact of the energy resources pictured on the graph varies based on their environmental implications. Wind energy is the most environmentally friendly option, as it produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. Nuclear energy is also relatively low in emissions, but it does pose risks in terms of accidents and nuclear waste disposal. Coal and gas are the most polluting of the resources, emitting high levels of greenhouse gases and contributing to air pollution.

In order to avoid contributing to climate change, energy use would need to shift towards more renewable sources like wind and solar energy. This would require significant investment in renewable energy infrastructure and technology, as well as policy changes to incentivize the transition away from fossil fuels. Additionally, energy efficiency measures would need to be implemented to reduce overall energy consumption and make the most of renewable resources.