Select 2 that apply.

The result of the population boom in regard to Earth's resources is:
A)There are more people to take care of the resources.
B)It will have no impact.
C)There is less need of resources as humans are producers and replace the resources.
D)More people will use resources.
E)Resources will be strained more than they are today.

D) More people will use resources.

E) Resources will be strained more than they are today.

What is the definition of expectancy?

A)the changing of a country to an industrial economy and culture
B)the practice of bodily cleanliness
C)what could be expected or anticipated
D)the time between birth and death
E)a substance, or material, made up of tiny particles

C)what could be expected or anticipated

Complete tar function table then right a rule for the function.

input output
-3 ---
-2 -4
-1 ----
0 ----
1 -1

input | output

-3 | 5
-2 | -4
-1 | -3
0 | -2
1 | -1

Rule for the function: Subtract 2 from the absolute value of the input.

To select 2 options that apply, let's analyze each option and determine if it is valid:

A) There are more people to take care of the resources: This option is not valid because, although it is true that a larger population could potentially mean more individuals available to take care of resources, it does not necessarily guarantee that this will happen. Additionally, even if more people are taking care of resources, it doesn't necessarily address the strain on resources caused by an increased population.

B) It will have no impact: This option is not valid because a population boom will undoubtedly have an impact on Earth's resources. With more people, there will be an increased demand for resources, which will put more pressure on the availability and sustainability of those resources.

C) There is less need for resources as humans are producers and replace the resources: This option is not valid because while humans do have the ability to produce and replace certain resources, there are many resources that cannot be easily replaced, such as fossil fuels, clean water, or certain minerals. Additionally, even with human production and replacement efforts, the demand for resources will still increase with a larger population.

D) More people will use resources: This option is valid because with a population boom, there will be more individuals using resources. As the population increases, the demand for resources like food, water, energy, and raw materials will also increase accordingly.

E) Resources will be strained more than they are today: This option is valid because with a population boom, the strain on Earth's resources will increase. As more people compete for finite resources, scarcity, depletion, and environmental degradation can occur.

Based on the analysis, the two options that apply are D) More people will use resources and E) Resources will be strained more than they are today.