What was the result of Cortes’s defeat of the Aztecs? Select all that apply.

The correct options would be:

1. The Spanish thought it brought them more wealth and power.
3. The Spanish saw it as proof that they were superior to Native Americans.

The correct options would be:

1. to seek wealth
3. to spread Christianity

Which choice best describes the relationship Spanish colonists had with Native Americans?

Native Americans had little interaction with colonists and were free to live as they chose.
Colonists treated Native Americans poorly and many Native Americans died from starvation and disease.
Colonists were curious about Native Americans and were eager to learn their religious rituals.
Colonists and Native Americans lived peacefully together on missions and were equal in social status.

The result of Cortes's defeat of the Aztecs include:

1. The end of the Aztec Empire: The conquest marked the downfall and destruction of the powerful Aztec civilization.

2. Spanish colonization: The victory paved the way for Spanish colonization and the establishment of New Spain (present-day Mexico) as a part of the Spanish Empire.

3. Spread of Christianity: The defeat of the Aztecs allowed for the introduction and spread of Christianity in the region, as the Spanish imposed their religious beliefs on the indigenous populations.

4. The appropriation of Aztec wealth: Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors seized immense amounts of Aztec gold, silver, and other valuable resources, enriching themselves and the Spanish Empire.

5. Hierarchy and social transformation: The Spanish imposed their own social hierarchy on the conquered territories, with themselves at the top and the indigenous populations below them. This led to significant changes in the social structure of the region.

6. European diseases: The defeat of the Aztecs brought the introduction of European diseases to the indigenous populations, leading to a significant decline in their numbers due to the lack of immunity.

What was the result of Cortes’s defeat of the Aztecs? Select all that apply.

The Spanish thought it brought them more wealth and power.
Cortes had lost so many soldiers in the victory that he had to wait several months for more to arrive from Spain.
The Spanish saw it as proof that they were superior to Native Americans.
The Spanish earned the respect of Native Americans.

Which of the following were reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World? Select all that apply.

to seek wealth
to enter the fur trade
to spread Christianity
to find new medicines

The choice that best describes the relationship Spanish colonists had with Native Americans is:

Colonists treated Native Americans poorly and many Native Americans died from starvation and disease.

thanks bot and thanks Ethan for asking

To find the result of Cortes's defeat of the Aztecs, we need to analyze the historical events that unfolded during that time. Cortes's defeat of the Aztecs eventually led to several outcomes. Here are the options to consider:

1. Spanish colonization of Mexico: One significant result of Cortes's victory was the establishment of Spanish colonization in Mexico. The defeat of the Aztecs allowed the Spanish to gain control over the region and set the stage for the subsequent colonization of the Americas by European powers.

2. End of the Aztec Empire: Cortes's defeat marked the downfall of the Aztec Empire. The Aztec ruler, Montezuma II, was captured, and the empire collapsed under Spanish rule. This event ended a prominent indigenous civilization in Mesoamerica.

3. Spanish conquest of resources: Cortes's victory granted Spain access to the rich resources of the Aztec Empire. They exploited the gold, silver, and other valuable resources found in the region, which contributed to the growth of Spanish wealth and power during the Age of Exploration.

4. Spread of Christianity: The Spanish conquest brought with it the spread of Christianity. Catholic missionaries accompanied the conquistadors, and the indigenous population was forcibly converted to Christianity.

Therefore, the correct answers would be options 1, 2, 3, and 4.