I don't really get the question that my teacher told us to do for her class. The essay says to write a one page paper about a topic concerning electronic structure. I don't know what to do, and what to start writing about?

In one page? Electronic structure refers to the Energy level quanta allowed in atoms, networks of atoms, and in molecules.

I think in one page you could introduce the concept of quanta and how we see it as visible spectra.


When your teacher asks you to write a one-page paper about a topic concerning electronic structure, she is likely asking you to explore a specific aspect or concept related to the arrangement and behavior of electrons in atoms or molecules. Here are a few steps to help you understand what to write about and how to get started:

1. Review the course material: Look back at your class notes, textbooks, or any materials provided by your teacher. This will refresh your understanding of electronic structure and give you ideas for potential topics.

2. Brainstorm: Take a few minutes to brainstorm different ideas related to electronic structure. Consider concepts such as electron configuration, valence electrons, energy levels, orbital shapes, bonding, or properties of conductors/insulators. Write down any ideas that come to mind.

3. Research the topic: Once you have identified a specific topic or concept to explore, start conducting research. Use reputable sources like textbooks, scientific journals, or educational websites to gather information about your chosen topic. This will give you a deeper understanding and help you formulate your essay.

4. Outline your essay: Create an outline that organizes your thoughts and provides a logical structure for your essay. Divide your paper into sections such as introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion.

5. Introduction: In your introduction, give a brief overview of electronic structure and provide context for your chosen topic. Also, state your thesis or main argument that you will develop throughout the essay.

6. Main body: In the body paragraphs, elaborate on your chosen topic. Present evidence, examples, and explanations to support your thesis. Make sure to cite the sources you've used during your research.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points you have discussed in the body paragraphs and restate your thesis. Provide a concluding statement that reinforces the significance of your topic.

8. Edit and revise: After writing the first draft, take time to review and revise your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and punctuation errors. Make sure your ideas flow logically, and consider seeking feedback from a classmate, teacher, or tutor.

Remember, the process of writing an essay is iterative, and it is common to revise and refine your work several times. Take your time, stay focused, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you are unsure about any specific aspect of the assignment.