Surface area of a square pyramid is 160cm^2. The area of the lateral triangles is 96cm^2. What is the length of one of the sides?

show your work

Let's call the side length of the square base of the pyramid "s" and the slant height of the pyramid "l".

The formula for the surface area of a square pyramid is:
Total surface area = Base area + (1/2 * Perimeter of base * Slant height)

Given that the total surface area is 160 cm^2 and the area of the lateral triangles is 96 cm^2, we can set up the following equation:
160 = s^2 + 2s * l (equation 1)
96 = 2 * s * l (equation 2)

From equation 2, we can solve for l:
l = 96 / (2s)
l = 48 / s

Now we can substitute this value of "l" back into equation 1:
160 = s^2 + 2s * (48 / s)
160 = s^2 + 96
s^2 = 64
s = 8

Therefore, the length of one of the sides of the square base of the pyramid is 8 cm.