If the volume of a right rectangular prism is 1.5 in.3 and its length and width have a product of 1.5 in.2 , what is the height of this prism?(1 point)


The volume of a right rectangular prism is given by the formula V = lwh, where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

V = 1.5 in^3
lw = 1.5 in^2

We can substitute the given values into the formula to solve for the height:
1.5 = lwh
1.5 = 1.5h

Dividing both sides by 1.5, we get:
h = 1 in

Therefore, the height of the prism is 1 inch.

Lloyd bought a refrigerator that measures 76 cm×76 cm×170 cm to fit in a space with a volume of 975,000 cm3 . Will the refrigerator fit in the space? Explain.(1 point)


Yes, it will fit since it is smaller than the space.
Yes, it will fit since it is smaller than the space.

No, it is 6,920 cm3 too small for the space.
No, it is 6,920 cm cubed too small for the space.

No, it is 6,920 cm3 too big for the space.
No, it is 6,920 cm cubed too big for the space.

Yes, it will fit. It will be a bit tight, but that won’t matte