can you give me a 1 min act for a solo act with these instructionsCreate a scene that has the following:

A clear exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Shows character information based on movement: status, age, relationship to another
Come up with a lazzi that you will put in the show. Stay away from violence.
____Get your lazzi approved
Step 3: Write or type out the scene outline. Your scene needs to be 2-5 minutes long.
Step 4: Get the scene approved
Step 5: Rehearse your skit, focusing on the physicality of each your characters
Step 6: Perform your skit for the class
title:missing necklace

Title: "The Missing Necklace"

Exposition: Mary, a wealthy elderly woman, is getting ready for a dinner party at her mansion. She is wearing a beautiful pearl necklace that has been in her family for generations.

Inciting Incident: Mary's adult granddaughter, Sarah, arrives at the mansion and admires the necklace. She comments on how she wishes she had something like it.

Rising Action: During the dinner party, Mary notices that her necklace is missing. She frantically searches for it, questioning all the guests and accusing them of stealing it.

Climax: Sarah confesses to Mary that she took the necklace because she wanted to wear it to impress her friends. Mary is heartbroken and demands that Sarah return the necklace immediately.

Falling Action: Sarah apologizes and returns the necklace to Mary, realizing the hurt she has caused. Mary forgives her granddaughter but is still upset that she would steal from her own family.

Resolution: Mary and Sarah share a tender moment as they talk about the importance of honesty and trust in their relationship. Mary forgives Sarah and they both learn a valuable lesson about the true meaning of family.

Lazzi: As Mary is searching for her necklace, she frantically runs around the room, knocking over vases and chairs in her desperation to find it. This physical comedy adds humor to the tense situation.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

for a man

**Title:** "The Missing Watch"

**Exposition:** John, a successful businessman in his forties, is preparing for a business meeting in his office. He is wearing a valuable watch that was a gift from his late father.

**Inciting Incident:** John's younger brother, Mark, comes by the office to ask for money. He admires John's watch and casually mentions how impressive it looks.

**Rising Action:** After Mark leaves, John realizes that his watch is missing. He frantically searches his office, becoming increasingly agitated as he realizes it's nowhere to be found. He suspects that Mark may have taken it, but he's not sure.

**Climax:** John confronts Mark about the missing watch, accusing him of stealing it. Mark vehemently denies it and storms out in anger, leaving John alone with his thoughts.

**Falling Action:** John reflects on his relationship with his brother, feeling a mix of anger and sadness over the situation. He realizes that the watch means more to him as a connection to his father than its monetary value.

**Resolution:** Mark returns with the watch, revealing that he found it in his pocket accidentally. John is relieved but also grateful for the chance to mend his relationship with his brother. They reconcile and bond over their shared memories of their father.

**Lazzi:** As John searches for his watch, he comically overturns papers and furniture in his office, creating a chaotic scene. His heightened physicality adds humor to the tense moment and showcases his frustration in a comedic way.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

can you give me some words for title:the missing watch

1. Timepiece Tumult

2. Lost and Found: A Timepiece Tale
3. Ticking Truths
4. The Vanishing Time
5. The Watch Whodunit
6. Time and Trouble
7. Time Theft
8. The Watch Whisperer
9. Timepiece Troubles
10. The Mystery of the Missing Watch

I hope you find these title suggestions helpful for your act! Let me know if you need any further assistance.