can you give me an 1 min act from these instruction it has to have a beginning middle and endCreate a scene that has the following:

A clear exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Shows character information based on movement: status, age, relationship to another
Come up with a lazzi that you will put in the show. Stay away from violence.
____Get your lazzi approved
Step 3: Write or type out the scene outline. Your scene needs to be 2-5 minutes long.
Step 4: Get the scene approved
Step 5: Rehearse your skit, focusing on the physicality of each your characters
Step 6: Perform your skit for the class

Sure, here is a 1 minute act based on the instructions:

Title: The Missing Necklace

Two characters, Mary and Sarah, are in their 20s and are best friends. Mary is wearing a necklace that looks expensive.

Inciting Incident:
Mary notices that her necklace is missing and accuses Sarah of stealing it. Sarah denies it vehemently.

Rising Action:
Mary becomes increasingly agitated and starts searching Sarah’s bag and pockets. Sarah tries to explain that she didn’t take the necklace.

Mary finds the necklace hidden in her own pocket. She apologizes to Sarah for accusing her.

Falling Action:
Mary and Sarah laugh off the misunderstanding and hug each other. They continue their day as if nothing happened.

Mary realizes that she was mistaken in her accusation and learns to trust Sarah more. The two friends bond even stronger because of the incident.

As Mary is frantically searching Sarah’s pockets, Sarah suddenly starts dancing and twirling around, causing Mary to stop and burst into laughter.

I hope this act meets your requirements and is approved for the performance.